Close Window Request a Custom Charles Bear

Please enter the information below to order a custom Charles Bear
I will review your information and reply by email to the address you have entered below.
If you have any questions, please e-mail me.

 Please select the Fur Color:  (Required)

 Please select the Clothing Color Scheme:  (Required)

 Optional Barrister Costume?  (Required)

Yes     No    

 Contact Name:  (Required)
 (Please give a person to contact if we have questions.)

 Shipping Address:  (Required)
 (Please give your complete shipping address
 to calculate your shipping charges).

 Please enter any comments you would like to make reqarding the order.

 Your e-mail address:  (Required)
 (to contact you if we need to ask you a question
 We do not spam or give out your e-mail address)


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